27 February 2024
Axactor Spain
Axactor achieves ISO 27001 Information Security certification
AXACTOR has achieved the AENOR UNE-EN ISO/IEC 27001:2017 INFORMATION SECURITY certification.
Information Security Management Systems (ISMS) are the most effective means of minimizing risks, by ensuring that business processes and/or IT services are identified and assessed, considering the impact for the organization, and adopting the controls and procedures that are more effective and consistent with the business strategy, always taking into account continuous improvement.
Effective information security management ensures:
1. its confidentiality, ensuring that only those who are authorized can access the information,
2. its integrity, ensuring that the information and its processing methods are accurate and complete, and
3. its availability, ensuring that authorized users have access to the information and its associated assets when they require it.
The certification of AENOR's Information Security Management System, in accordance with UNE-EN ISO/IEC 27001:2017, contributes to promoting the protection activities of our systems and our information, generating trust with third parties.
This achievement has been thanks to the cooperation of all employees, demonstrating that our corporate culture will continue to drive our success.