3 words campaigns

3Words: the new online campaign of Axactor. Know the company through the words of its managers.

Three are the major values of Axactor: Passion, Trust and Proactive, three defining elements in support of Axactor's “way of work”, based on the active collaboration, on the use of digital tools and on the sharing of expertise and knowledge with the aim of achieving common objectives. this philosophy can be summed up in a single concept: “One Axactor”.

To support the transmission of its values, Axactor has started the online campaign #3words, using the LinkedIn platform, where its managers, who are daily focused on managing and developping the company, talk about themselves in Axactor.

These videos are short and their focus is on the interpretation, in 3 words, of the role that each manager covers. Passion is the most used word and is the engine that motivates everyone to get involved and play an active role in the achievement of amazing results.

Some examples? Please give a look at these videos and continue following our #3words.

Are you ready to discover them and understand the reason of this choice?

The 3Words ofi Angela Corona, HR Manager
the 3Words of Filippo Mantovani, Finance Director