Minimizing our environmental footprint
The environment and climate change are one of the most important issues for our society today. While our environmental impact is limited, we work actively to reduce the environmental impacts our operations give rise to; those generated indirectly and directly through our internal operations.
Axactor's environmental policy is adopted annually by the Board of Directors and the principles are reflected throughout the corporate governance structure.
To limit our climate impact, we work to lower greenhouse gas emissions, through measures such as a high level of resource efficiency, efficient use of energy in Axactor’s offices, recycling and taking environmental impact into account in purchasing and travel.
In 2022 we significantly improved our GHG reporting by developing a bottom-up reporting tool to capture and understand as many of our emission sources as possible. The aim was to increase the understand of our footprint and to improve the documentation for making better decision on how to minimize the environmental impact. This work continued in 2023 by further improving the data collection from our partners and the methodology for calculating emissions.
As Axactor's operations are by nature low polluting, the emissions mainly stem from scope 3 emissions such as employee commuting and business travel.
Further information on Axactor's emissions and mitigations to further improve are reported through the annual report.
Our offices
We encourage the use of energy-efficient and space-saving properties and works continuously with the property owners to further adopt energy conservation measures in the buildings where Axactor operates.
With regards to energy consumption, all Axactor offices have systems for time-regulated monitoring of ventilation, heating/cooling and lighting.
All our offices are located in environmentally friendly, new and energy efficient buildings.
Limited use of company cars
Axactor strives to lower the travel ratio and encourages less carbon-intensive travel. We have limited use of company cars and encourages the choice of low emission vehicles.
Travelling and video conferencing
We work continuously to decrease the percentage of physical meetings, by instead using digital platforms. By doing so, we manage to free up more time and resources for the company's employees as well as reduce our environmental impact.
Our employees are encouraged to travel both to the office on day-to-day business and for business travels in a eco-friendly manner, and use video conferencing as much as possible.Data centers operating with 100 % renewable energy
Axactor's operations are highly dependent on data centers which are mainly run by our infrastructure vendor, who among others, are environment certified as a green lighthouse and are operating with 100 % renewable energy.
All Axactor's servers are run by the same infrastructure vendor in order to reduce our environmental impact.Committed to reducing waste
Our general waste hierarchy is first to reduce waste at the source, secondly to reuse items if possible, and thirdly to ensure that items not possible to reuse are recycled.
All our offices have recycling of paper and systems for waste sorting to secure proper handling.
Recycling of IT equipment
We are focusing on partnering with certified IT contractors obliged to ensure recycling of IT equipment and seek efficient and environmentally friendly alternatives for sourcing, packaging and transportation.
We use products and services that represent the lowest environmental impact
We have structured purchasing processes and sourcing strategies to ensure that the services and goods acquired are provided from suppliers with an acceptable environmental standard and use products and services that represent the lowest total impact on the environment.
"In itself, Axactor has a relatively small impact on the climate. Still, we find it important to strive towards ever greater sustainability in our operations."
Vibeke Ly, Chief of staff
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