Annual general meeting 2024
Axactor ASA welcomes you to the annual general meeting 2024.
The meeting will be held on 8 May 2024 at 10.00 CEST as a virtual meeting only with no physical attendance. By attending the online meeting, you will be able to listen to a live audiocast of the meeting, see the presentation, submit questions relating to the items on the agenda and cast your votes in the real time poll of the annual general meeting using your smartphone, tablet, or PC. We secure identification of the shareholders. Information on how to attend electronically can be seen below.
As a shareholder you also have the possibility to vote prior to the annual general meeting or use the proxy form. The forms are appended here to as Appendix 1. If you have any question on how to attend, please contact Vibeke Ly (see below).
Annual general meeting 2024
Meeting Minutes
Press release from the extraordinary general meeting
Attendance & Registration
- Appendix 1 (Nor). Blankett for påmelding forhåndsstemming og fullmakt (Norsk)
- Appendix 1 (Eng). Notice of attendance, advance vote and proxy (English)
- Appendix 2. Information to the shareholders
- Appendix 3. Annual accounts and report from the board
- Appendix 4. Recommendation from the nomination committee
- Appendix 5. Recommendation from the audit committee related to nomination of statutory auditor