Hans Harén
Board member
Member of the Audit Committee.
Mr Harén has extensive experience from banking and finance within the consumer finance segment. He retired from the position as CEO of Gjensidige Bank ASA in 2017, a position that he held for eight years. Prior to that, he was Country Business Manager and General Manager Consumer Business in Citibank consumer segment in Norway. Mr Harén also has broad experience from senior positions in American Express, Wasa Insurance and Trygg Hansa Liv.
Mr Harén holds a degree in business administration (Swedish Marknadsekonom) from IHM Stockholm as well as a training in senior management from the Stockholm School of Economics.
Mr Harén holds no current directorships and senior management positions outside the Group.
Previous directorships and senior management positions last five years outside the Group is Gjensidige Bank ASA (CEO).